
How Much Does It Cost to Wrap a Car Roof? (Updated Prices)

Wondering about the cost of wrapping a car roof? Car roof wraps are a popular choice for enhancing aesthetics and protecting the vehicle’s surface and getting the right financial insights for this process will help you make informed decisions.

So on this article, we’ll break down the key factors influencing the overall cost, from material quality to labor expenses. 

How Much Does It Cost to Wrap a Car Roof?

When wrapping your car’s roof, the expenses differ based on who does it. If you do it yourself, the cost is around $45 to $55. For a professional service, it’s approximately $250. 

The overall price relies on the roof’s size and the vinyl type and finish you choose. Keep these factors in mind while considering a car roof wrap.

What Are the Different Roof Wrap Options?


Gloss is a popular option among different car roof wrap finishes. This type of vinyl provides a sleek and shiny appearance that enhances the car’s overall aesthetics. The glossy finish reflects light, giving the roof a vibrant and eye-catching look. 

Wrapping company

It’s a great choice for those seeking a modern and luxurious touch to their vehicle. However, keep in mind that gloss wraps may require more maintenance to keep their shine intact.


Matte is another appealing option for car roof wraps. Unlike gloss, a matte finish offers a non-reflective and smooth surface, lending a more understated and sophisticated appearance to the vehicle. 

Its subdued elegance makes it a favorite among car enthusiasts looking for a unique and contemporary style. Additionally, matte wraps are less prone to showing fingerprints and other minor imperfections, making them a practical choice for those seeking a lower-maintenance option for their car’s roof.

Carbon Fiber

For a sporty and high-performance look, carbon fiber [1] is an enticing choice among car roof wrap options. This unique finish mimics the appearance of real carbon fiber, adding a touch of racing-inspired flair to the vehicle. 

Carbon fiber wraps not only enhance the car’s aesthetics but also provide added protection to the roof’s surface. Though slightly more expensive than other options, the captivating visual appeal and durability make it a preferred choice for car enthusiasts seeking a bold statement on their roofs.

Wrap material used

Factors Influencing the Cost of Wrapping a Car Roof

When considering a car roof wrap, it’s essential to understand the various factors that influence the overall cost of the project. Whether you opt for a DIY approach or seek professional assistance, several key elements play a role in determining the final expenses. 

Let’s delve into these factors to help you make an informed decision about your car roof wrap.

Size of the Roof Area

One of the primary determinants of the cost to wrap a car roof is the size of the area that needs covering. Larger vehicles with more expansive roof surfaces will require more vinyl material, which directly impacts the total expense. 

Similarly, complex roof designs with intricate curves and angles might demand more time and effort from professionals, potentially raising the cost of a professionally done roof wrap. 

Accurately measuring the roof’s dimensions is crucial to estimate the amount of vinyl needed and avoid wastage.

sticker installed

Type of Vinyl Material

The type and quality of the vinyl material chosen for the roof wrap significantly affect the cost. Vinyl wraps come in various grades, ranging from basic options to premium ones. 

Each type offers distinct properties, such as durability, texture, and color choices. Gloss, matte, carbon fiber, and other specialty finishes will have different price points, with carbon fiber wraps being generally more expensive due to their unique appearance and enhanced protective capabilities. 

Considering your budget and the desired outcome will help you select the most suitable vinyl material for your car roof.

Finish and Complexity

Apart from the type of vinyl material, the specific finish and complexity of the design can also impact the cost. Basic gloss or matte finishes tend to be more affordable compared to specialized or customized designs. 

actual installation

If you desire intricate patterns, graphics, or branding on your roof wrap, it will likely involve more labor and time, leading to higher expenses. Additionally, some unique finishes might require advanced installation techniques, which could increase the overall cost of the project.

Labor Costs

The choice between a DIY roof wrap and hiring a professional installer plays a significant role in the overall cost. DIY wraps are generally cheaper, as they eliminate labor charges. 

However, attempting a DIY wrap requires skill, patience, and precision to achieve a seamless and professional-looking result. On the other hand, opting for a professional installation ensures a high-quality finish but comes with labor costs. 

Professional installers possess the expertise and equipment to handle complex roof shapes and ensure an efficient and flawless application of the vinyl material.

Additional Preparatory Work

stretching the vinyl

In some cases, additional preparatory work might be necessary before the actual roof wrap installation. For instance, if the car’s roof has existing paint damage, rust, or debris, it might require cleaning, repairing, or priming before the vinyl can be applied. 

These preparatory tasks can add to the overall cost of the project. It’s essential to thoroughly inspect the roof’s condition beforehand to understand if any extra work is needed and budget accordingly.

Location and Service Provider

Geographical location and the choice of service provider can also influence the cost of wrapping a car roof. In areas with higher living costs or a limited number of experienced installers, the prices might be slightly elevated. 

Additionally, different service providers may have varying pricing structures based on their expertise, reputation, and the quality of materials used. It’s advisable to obtain multiple quotes from reputable installers in your area to ensure a fair price for the roof wrap.


The cost to wrap a car roof varies based on factors such as size, vinyl material, labor, and complexity. DIY options are more budget-friendly, while professional installations come with added expertise. 

Consider your preferences and budget carefully to achieve a cost-effective and visually appealing car roof wrap.


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