
How Much Does It Cost to Rent an Excavator? (Updated Prices)

Renting an excavator is often a cost-effective solution for short-term projects or if you don’t want to invest in purchasing one. However, the cost of renting an excavator can vary significantly based on a number of factors. 

Here’s a breakdown to help you understand the potential costs and more!

Size and Type of the Excavator

Excavators come in various sizes, from mini or compact excavators to large ones, and the type of excavator you need can significantly influence the rental price.

Mini Excavators

These are smaller and are used for jobs like home repairs, digging small trenches, or landscaping. They typically cost anywhere from $200 to $500 per day.

Medium Excavators

Suitable for bigger projects such as residential building, these can range from $500 to $1,500 per day.

Large Excavators

Used for significant construction projects, large excavators can cost $1,000 to $5,000 per day.

Duration of the Rental

Like many rental services, the longer you rent, the more economical the daily rate. An excavator that rents for $500 a day might be available for $1,200 a week (7 days) or $4,000 for a month.

Attachments and Accessories

Additional equipment like hydraulic breakers, grapples, or augers [1] might increase the rental cost. Each accessory has its price, which can range from $50 to several hundred dollars per day.

Maintenance and Insurance

Some rental agreements might include maintenance costs, while others might require you to handle routine maintenance. Additionally, insurance can either be provided by the rental company at an extra fee or you might need to cover it separately.

Delivery and Pickup Charges

If you’re not picking up the excavator yourself, there could be a delivery and pickup charge. The cost can vary based on distance and the size of the excavator. Expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $500 or more each way.

Operator Costs

If you aren’t trained to operate an excavator, you might need to hire an operator. The hourly wage for an operator can range from $50 to $150, depending on experience, location, and the complexity of the job.


Prices can vary by region due to local demand, availability, and cost of living. Renting an excavator in a large city or high-demand area can be more expensive than in a rural area.

Tips for Renting an Excavator

Get Multiple Quotes: Don’t settle for the first quote you receive. Check prices from different rental services to get the best deal.

Understand the Agreement: Before signing, ensure you understand all costs involved, including any potential penalties or fees.

Inspect the Equipment: Before accepting the excavator, inspect it for any damage and ensure it’s in good working condition.

Inside Excavator

Training: Ensure that whoever is operating the excavator has the necessary training and certification to prevent accidents or damage.


1. What should I check before renting an excavator?

Before renting, inspect the excavator for any visible damages, check its maintenance history, and ensure it’s suited for your specific project in terms of size and capabilities.

2. Do I need a special license to operate an excavator?

In many regions, operating heavy machinery like excavators requires special training or certification. Even if not mandated by law, it’s always best to have trained personnel operate such equipment to ensure safety.

3. Is fuel included in the rental price?

Typically, fuel is not included. Renters should anticipate refilling the tank to the same level it was at the beginning of the rental.


While renting an excavator can be cost-effective for short-term needs, it’s essential to understand the full scope of the costs involved. Ensure you choose the right equipment for your needs, budget accordingly, and always operate with safety in mind.


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