
How Much Does It Cost To Get Bangs? (Price Estimates)

A fresh hairstyle can dramatically transform your appearance, and one of the most impactful changes is getting bangs. Those face-framing wisps or blunt-cut fringes can instantly breathe new life into your look. 

However, before taking the plunge, it’s important to consider not just the aesthetic change but also the financial investment required for this stylish transformation. The cost of getting bangs can vary widely depending on several factors. Here’s a more detailed discussion!

Salon Choice and Location

The choice of salon plays a significant role in determining the cost of getting bangs. High-end salons in upscale neighborhoods tend to charge more for their services due to their reputation, the quality of products they use, and the overall experience they offer. 

On the other hand, budget-friendly salons might provide a more affordable option, but you may need to compromise on certain factors.

Luxury Salon

Moreover, the geographical location also impacts the cost. Salons in major cities or trendy neighborhoods generally have higher overhead costs, which can be reflected in their prices. In contrast, suburban or rural areas often offer more budget-friendly options for hairstyling.

Stylist Expertise

The experience and expertise of the stylist performing the haircut can significantly affect the cost. A highly skilled and well-known stylist with a portfolio of satisfied clients may charge a premium for their services. 

An experienced stylist may charge a premium. You could expect to pay around $50 to $150 or more for a stylist with a well-established reputation.

Type of Bangs

The type of bangs you’re aiming for can also influence the cost. Simple, straight-across bangs might be less expensive compared to more intricate styles like side-swept or textured bangs, which require precise cutting techniques and additional styling time.

On average, a basic bangs haircut at a mid-range salon in a suburban area might cost anywhere from $20 to $50. However, in a high-end salon in a major city, this cost can go up to $100 or more.

Hair Maintenance

Maintenance and Upkeep

For ongoing maintenance, you might need to get your bangs trimmed every 4-6 weeks. Some salons offer free bang trims, while others may charge around $10 to $20 for this service.

Additional Services

It’s important to consider whether you’ll be getting just the bangs cut or if you plan to undergo additional services along with the haircut. 

For example, if you’re also considering coloring your hair, especially if it involves techniques like highlights or balayage [1], this will add to the overall cost.

If you plan to include coloring or other hair treatments along with your bangs haircut, these services can add significantly to the cost. Hair coloring can range from $50 to $200 or more, depending on the technique and products used.


DIY vs. Professional

Cutting bangs at home might save money initially, but it can lead to unexpected expenses if mistakes need professional correction. Fixing a botched DIY bangs cut could cost around $30 to $60 or more.


The cost of getting bangs varies depending on factors like salon choice, location, stylist expertise, type of bangs, maintenance, additional services, and whether you opt for professional cutting or a DIY approach. 

Before deciding on a stylist and a specific style, it’s advisable to research local salons, read reviews, and even schedule consultations to get an accurate estimate of the total cost. Remember that while the initial cost is a consideration, the confidence and positive impact of a well-executed bangs transformation can often be priceless.


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