
How Much Does It Cost to Black Out Rims? (Updated Prices)

Are you ready to add a touch of sleekness and mystery to your ride? Learn more about blacked-out rims and how much will it cost to transform your wheels into dark, captivating gems. 

From understated elegance to bold statements, embark on a journey of style and sophistication that will leave heads turning at every corner.

How Much Does It Cost to Black Out Rims?

When it comes to transforming your rims into a striking black, the cost can vary significantly, ranging from as low as $30 to as high as $250. 

However, determining the exact expense hinges on various factors. One crucial aspect that heavily influences the price is the type of paint you opt for. 

With an array of choices available, the cost will fluctuate based on your preferred paint brand and quality, allowing you to customize the process to suit both your style and budget.

What Are the Factors that Affect the Cost of Black Out Rims?

The cost of blacking out rims can vary based on several factors. Understanding these factors can help you determine the overall expense and make an informed decision. Here are the key elements that affect the cost of blacking out rims:

Rim Size

The size of your rims plays a significant role in determining the cost. Larger rims require more time and effort to paint, resulting in higher costs. Smaller rims, on the other hand, generally have a lower price tag due to their reduced surface area.

Paint Quality

The quality of the paint you choose will have a direct impact on the cost. Higher-quality paints tend to be more expensive but offer better durability, longevity, and a smoother finish. It is recommended to invest in quality paint to ensure a professional-looking result that can withstand daily wear and tear.

Type of Paint

The type of paint used for blacking out rims can also influence the cost. There are various options available, including Plasti Dip, Powder Coating, or Spray Paint. Each type has its price range, with matte finishes typically being the most popular choice for a sleek and modern look. 

It’s important to consider your desired aesthetic and budget when selecting the type of paint.

wheel rims sanding for preparation

Preparation and Surface Treatment

Proper preparation of the rims before painting is crucial for achieving a flawless result. If your rims require extensive cleaning, sanding, or repairs, it can increase the overall cost. 

Surface treatment, such as applying a primer or clear coat, may also be necessary, adding to the total expense.

Labor Costs

Labor costs can vary depending on the expertise and location of the professional or workshop you choose. Skilled technicians or specialized rim painting services often charge higher rates for their expertise and precision. 

Additionally, factors such as the complexity of the rim design or the number of rims being painted can influence the labor cost.

Additional Customization

If you wish to add extra customization to your blacked-out rims, such as pinstripes, decals, or intricate designs, it will increase the overall cost. 

Rinsing to wash off sanding crumbs

These additional details require more time and skill to implement, resulting in higher labor charges.

Rim Material

The material composition of your rims can affect the cost of blacking them out. Aluminum alloy rims are commonly used in modern vehicles, while steel rims are found in older or budget-friendly cars. 

Painting steel rims tend to be more affordable compared to alloy rims due to the differences in surface preparation and paint adhesion.

DIY Versus Professional Service

Another factor to consider is whether you plan to paint the rims yourself or hire a professional service. Opting for a do-it-yourself approach can save you money on labor costs but requires adequate knowledge, skills, and equipment. 

Professional services, although pricier, offer expertise, precision, and the convenience of a finished result without the hassle.

Spray painting for primer


The cost of blacking out rims can also vary depending on your geographical location. Prices tend to be higher in urban areas or regions with a higher cost of living. It’s advisable to research local prices and compare them to ensure you’re getting a fair deal.

Warranty and Aftercare

Some professional rim painting services offer warranties or guarantees on their work. Consider the added value of these warranties and any aftercare services provided, as they can contribute to the overall cost but may provide peace of mind and protection for your investment.

Several factors influence the cost of blacking out rims. By considering these factors and understanding their impact, you can make an informed decision and achieve the desired blacked-out look for your rims while staying within your budget.

What Are the Four Types of Paints That Can Be Used to Black Out Rims?

Plasti Dip

One of the four types of paints that can be used to black out rims is Plasti Dip. Plasti Dip is a popular choice for rim customization due to its flexibility and ease of application. It is a removable rubberized coating that can be sprayed onto the rims, providing a matte black finish. 

Plasti Dip offers several advantages, including the ability to peel it off without damaging the original rim, making it a reversible option. It also protects against minor scratches and chips. 

Spray painting it black

However, it may not be as durable as other paint options, and it requires proper surface preparation for optimal results. Plasti Dip is a cost-effective solution for blacking out rims, making it a popular choice among DIY enthusiasts and those looking for a temporary customization option.

Powder Coating

Powder coating is another popular option among the four types of paints used to black out rims. It involves applying a dry powder to the rims and then baking it at high temperatures to create a durable and strong finish. 

Powder coating offers several advantages, including excellent resistance to chipping, scratching, and fading. It provides a smooth and even coating that can withstand the harsh elements of the road. 

Moreover, you can find powder coating in various colors, including matte black, offering a vast pool of customization options. However, it is important to note that powder coating requires specialized equipment and expertise, making it a more expensive option compared to other paint types. 

Nevertheless, the durability and professional finish of powder coating make it a popular choice for those seeking a permanent and high-quality blacked-out rim solution.

Clear coating layer

Spray Paint

Spray paint is a versatile and widely accessible option among the four types of paints used to black out rims. It is commonly available in hardware stores [1] and automotive supply shops, making it convenient for DIY enthusiasts. 

Spray paint provides a quick and relatively inexpensive way you can choose to achieve a blacked-out look for rims. However, it is important to choose a high-quality spray paint specifically designed for automotive use to ensure durability and resistance to chipping. 

Proper surface preparation, including cleaning and sanding, is essential for optimal adhesion and a smooth finish. While spray paint offers a range of color options, including matte black, it may require multiple coats and additional clear coating for enhanced protection. 

Regular maintenance and touch-ups may also be necessary to maintain the appearance over time.

Finished black rim

Truck Bed Liner

The truck bed liner is an unconventional but increasingly popular choice among the four types of paints used to black out rims. Originally designed to protect truck beds from heavy-duty use, truck bed liner coatings have proven to be durable and resistant to wear and tear. 

When applied to rims, they provide a rugged and textured black finish. Truck bed liner coatings offer excellent protection against scratches, chips, and UV damage, making them ideal for off-road enthusiasts or those seeking a more aggressive look. 

However, it’s important to note that truck bed liner coatings are thicker and heavier than other paint options, which may affect the overall weight of the rims. Professional application is recommended for a precise and even coating, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

Powder coating

Can You Paint Your Car Rims Black?

Yes, it is possible to paint your car rims black. Painting your car rims black can dramatically change the appearance of your vehicle, giving it a sleek and stylish look. There are several methods and paint options available for blacking out car rims. 

These include using spray paint, powder coating, Plasti Dip, or even specialized automotive-grade paint. Each method has its advantages and considerations in terms of cost, durability, and finish. It is important to properly prepare the rims by cleaning, sanding, and priming them before applying any paint. 

This helps to ensure proper adhesion and a smooth, long-lasting finish. While some car owners choose to paint their rims themselves, it is often recommended to seek professional services for a more precise and professional result. 

With the right preparation and paint application, you can transform your car rims into a striking black finish that enhances the overall aesthetics of your vehicle.

gloss black powder coating


From paint quality to rim size, various factors influence the cost of blacking out rims. Whether you choose matte black, powder coating, or Plasti Dip, understanding these factors can help you plan your budget and achieve the perfect look for your wheels. 

So, get ready to revamp your ride with a touch of darkness and turn heads wherever you go.


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