
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mini Ramp? (Updated Prices)

Building a mini ramp is a great way to practice and improve your skateboarding skills, but is building one affordable or costly? If you’re wondering how much it costs to build a mini ramp, you’ve come to the right place!

We’ll go through the cost of materials, tools, and labor, as well as other costs associated with building a mini ramp. Read on to learn more. 

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mini Ramp? 

The total cost of building a mini ramp can range from $350-$500, depending on the size of the ramp and the materials used. The cost of materials, tools, and labor needs to be taken into account when estimating the total cost.

Additionally, there are other costs associated with building a mini ramp such as transportation and permits. With the right materials, tools, and know-how, you can build a mini ramp that fits both your budget and your needs.


One of the most important aspects of building a mini ramp is selecting the right materials. For the ramp itself, you’ll need plywood, 2x4s, screws, and decking material.

Additionally, you’ll need to purchase foam padding and carpet to cover the ramps. Depending on the size of the ramp, the total cost of materials can range from $150-$200. 


To build a mini ramp, you’ll need a variety of tools, including a circular saw, drill, jigsaw, level, screws, and more. To save money, you can rent or borrow these tools, or purchase them outright. The total cost of tools can range from $50-$100. 


Another cost associated with building a mini ramp is the labor. Hiring a professional carpenter or construction worker can be expensive, but having an experienced hand to help is invaluable. Depending on the complexity of the ramp, the labor cost can range from $100-$200. 

Other Costs

In addition to materials and labor, there are other costs associated with building a mini ramp. You may need to rent a truck or trailer to transport materials or hire additional helpers. Additionally, you’ll need to factor in costs for permits, if necessary. The total cost of other costs can range from $50-$100. 

How Many 2×4 Do I Need To Build a Mini Ramp?

The number of 2x4s needed to build a mini ramp depends on the size of the ramp. Generally speaking, you will need two 2x4s for every foot of the ramp. So, if you are building a 4-foot ramp, you will need 8 2x4s. Additionally, you may need extra 2x4s for the sides of the ramp, and for any additional supports.

How to Build a Mini Ramp?

To build a mini ramp, you will need the right materials, tools, and a bit of know-how. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started. 

  1. Gather Materials and Tools: Gather all the materials and tools you need before you begin building the ramp. You will need plywood, 2x4s, screws, decking material, foam padding, and carpet. Additionally, you will need tools such as a circular saw, drill, jigsaw, level, and screws. 
  2. Design the Ramp: Before you begin building the ramp, it’s important to come up with a design. Consider the size, shape, and angle of the ramp, as well as the placement of the decking material and foam padding. 
  3. Build the Ramp: Once you have a design in place, it’s time to start building the ramp. Cut the plywood and 2x4s to the right size and shape, and attach them with screws. Once the frame is complete, attach the decking material and foam padding. 
  4. Finish the Ramp: Once the frame is complete, you can start adding the finishing touches. Cover the ramp with carpet, and add any additional supports you may need. 


Building a mini ramp can be a fun and rewarding experience. However, it’s important to consider all the costs associated with the project. In total, the cost of building a mini ramp can range from $350-$500, depending on its size and the materials used.

With a little research and planning, you can build a mini ramp that fits both your budget and your needs!


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